Comedy Screenplay Awards
Season 5 Results:

Overall Winner - Season 5
*Thanks once again to all who entered,
and congratulations to our Season 5
Semi-Finalists, Finalists and Winner!
Rebound Guys - Tammy Klembith & George Klembith
Time Janitors - Ryan Manns & Jocelyn Manns
Silicon Girls - Ellen Ancui
Paranormal Bros. - Shaun Polakow
The Bare Minimum - Eric Rudnick
Deadline - Phil Valentine
Leo - Brian McDevitt Jr.
The Club - Katrina Jaxson
Questionable - Julia Koyfman
The Love Docta’ - Brus Messinger & Kimberly Bramlett
Swan and Crow - Vera Neverkevich & Katherine Eyres
Uncle Steamroller & Champion Rabbit - Brian Kowalchuk
Mystery Squad - Jose Trejo
White Boys - Shari Sharpe
Hostage from Hell - Melissa Emery
The Reboots - Andrea Lawson
Hot Springs Pilot - Kat Roman
Two Cops! - Brian Corcoran
Golden - Fran Lewis
Weirdos - John Miller
Dump The Jew - Jake Steinberg
Off World - Adjusting to the Climate - Joshua Hudson
The Spacer 6 - Alexandria Sinclair & Sara Detrik
The Last Blockbuster - Justin Miller & Jeremiah Castleman
Sandwich Generation- Patricia Fox
Ghosted- Mike Bencivenga
One Night Stan Tony Boland
Excellent - Ell Orion & Pepper West
Physical - Dylan Murphy
StoneDead - Matthew Corley
Ahistorical - Thomas Butler
Jason and the Silent Knight - Eric Sandefur
Sperm Bankruptcy - Tony Caputi
Mixed Feelings - Mike Cochnar
Coming Everywhere You Are - Bradley Kofman
Wedding Season - Rob Rex
That Incident On Bus 11 - Robert Gibson
How It Ends - Dicot Alvarado
Shit Show: Schmest - Jeanette Bonner
God The Comic - Stephen Winnicki
Model Minorities - Delon Villanueva
WIlkins Will - Jonathan Westbrook
The Weasel - Brianna Cohen
Dough - Jen Albanese
The Billion*Heir - Maureen Sheehan
The Wind Up - George Demas
Cold Feat - Trent Tackbary
The Big Whatsit - Hunter Whaley
Daughters of Enron - Landon LaRue
Layover - Nicholas Tass
Breaking the Fourth Wall - Luke Sorge
Cow Boichic - Michael Siegel
Road Trippy - Joe Heath
I Told You So - Brian Horgan
Kevin Pterodactyl and the Shroud of Turpin - Robert Nash
Master Baker - Tyler Boyco
The International Affair - Chadwick Harman
The Big Mahoff - Russell Brand
Death, Whatever! - Fraser Coull
Unplanned - Scott Peterman & Cat Davis
The Prince of Sheep - Jamy Johansen
Low Budget - Mike Rembis
Suit Stuff - Timothy Mason
Guardians - August Xiayi Palmer
The Best Men - Oliver Diprose
The Baby Shower - Mike Peters
InFirm - Carolyn Bridget Kennedy & Richard J. McRae
Pitching! "The Ring" - David Christopher Loya
Manage Me - Hayley Nash
Gallery Row - Michelle McLean
Standby Hero - Shawn Mahan
California King Cool - Eli Stern
First Graders - Ada Sarno
Higher Education - Chapter 1: The Syllabi - Rick Flinchum
Bishop Takes Knight - Josh Elliott
Friendly Local Game Store - Tony Mills
The Film Professor Who Kills Hot Students for... - Greg Benevent
Friends Like Family - Bryan Mazzarello
Ripples - Mark Mc Quown
If I Wasn't Saved - Kimaya Floyd
Live at Five - Risdon Bonnell
The Next Town Over - Brian Pack
Off Color - Owen Thiele & Haley Daniels
Incantations - Will RJ Davis
Inside Out - Patrick Farrell
Anonymous was a Woman - Linda Rogers
Altered Egos - Navid Nobakht
All Art Is Quite Useless - Jeff Racho
Seldon Seen - Peter R Feuchtwanger
The Murder of Alice Whittaker - Lora Martyr
Mixed Bag: The Pilot - Justice Whitaker
Saving The Duckplucker's Son - Andrew Kelly & Paul Fergus Morris
Mixed - Travis Lischer & Alexandra Barthel
Just Potential - Piyali Syam & Vick Krishna
Turf Wars - Kelsey Ross
The Bat Boy - Ryan Dingus
Time Hustlers - Andrew Hopps
The Crazy Train - James McDonald
Mother-In-Law - Heather Brannon
Little Shit - Holt Boggs
Record-Breaking - Cala Adair
San Pedro Heat 1: The Search for Justice - Michael Pascal
One Last Boink - Jason Ancona
The Detail Guys - Michael J. McDonough & David N. McDonough
Maybe Maybe Not - Randall Kirby
Abled - Benjamin Davis
Liebe - Jamaul Phillips
Astromen - Derrick Casto
Living Hell - Tina Louzon
Thunder Buns - Micah Goldman & Griff Kohout
Modern Screen - Richard Tanner
What Even Are You? - Tristan J Shuler
USA Cox - Tim Mangan
Stone in Love - Jerrad Burford
Good Housekeeping - Alexandria Bigelow
The Freshmen - Adam Karlson & Joe Hayes
Planet 30 - Margaux Poupard
Dressed Down - Kali Hays
WonderHawk - Joel Dovev
Wing Night - Saj Pothiawala
Thick as Thieves - Brandon Silberstein
Life $upport - Noah Edelson
Cecil's Indians - Ira Wood
Transplants - Jacob Paul Eisenstein
Fuck! Summer's Over - Corey Wooten
Victoria Sucks - Daniel Lobrace
Soulfunny! - Tonya Vann
Les Go! - Catherine Vouvray
Henches - Chelsea Regenold
Show Time - Lou Reade
Track Life - Jordan Lavender
Don't Be a Clown - John Dickson
Doof Shitter: The Man Who Can Smell Names - Thomas Oler
Inside Dope - Michael Salort
Geriatricks - Mark Renshaw
Dead Girls Walking - Lilian Tanner
A More Adequate Union - Alan Franciose
The Hotel Palmyra - John Montgomery
Let's Kill Ourselves - Eddie Bick & Brian Diroff
Man Card - Chris Workman
A Christmas Rapture or (Santapocalypse!) - Andy Greskoviak
Animal Attraction Brian Cohen
Warrior Warrior - Pilot Brian Michaels
Ley People - Tom McLean
Dorsett Dreams - David Gray
Gayfellas - Marc Edelstein
The Buried Truth - Elizabeth J Musgrave
The Oddity - Laird Wysocki
Furnichangerz - Boaz Dror
Road Tripping - Rikki Lee Travolta
Full Moon Over the Nudey Bar - Daniel Bridges
Scooped - Chris Givens
Village People - Steven Fisher
The Checkered - Mark Gunnion
25 Years - Later - Monica Schimmer
Strike And Spare - Elvis Wilson
Adam & Eve - Alexis Williams
Kansas, Anymore - Heather Farlinger
Jail Break - Jordan Taylor
Porkbellies - Jonathan Ferrara
Transit Authority - Michael Dennehy
Dances with Dogs - Joe Gressis & Shawn Fields
Sexy Teen Squad: Undercover Monster Hunters - Jon Bershad
ReEnactors - Samuel Hutchison
Dog Biscuit - Jason Hawkins
Cranberry Sauce - Michael James Dean
Mr. Tinkles - Anthony Rea
Sports Talk - Dustin Drye
How Soon Is Now - Vincent Venturella & Jack Guimon
Damn Pirates - Kelly Gaudet
Miss Demeanor - Ruby Mainieri
'Graphers - Jeremy Engler
Amit With the Beat - Howard Schreiber
Daisy - Nicholas Anthony
Fossil Fellows - Sofian Khan
Fired - Mallie McCown
The Art of Knowing Everything - Yves Labbé
Now Boarding - Mike Heslin
The Autograph - Ayinde Ricco
The Big Picture - Michael Charron
Home Office - Emily Lozano
Fake News - Gerald Large
Road Dogs - Aaron Bennett & Vanessa Leigh
Three Jokers - Rick Giacco
Out to Dry - David Harper
Medicine Show - Kimberly Turner-2
Daniel Radcliffe Stole My Life - Ed Wiles
Producers: "For the Love of Cliche" - Les Zig
Totally Porno - Stuart Orr
Dead, But Whatever - Boris Coll
Pursuing Piper - Jennifer Ball
US Inc. - Joel Michalak
I'm With Aids - Warren Wagner
Dead Cat Bounce - Jack Caswell
City Spirit. - Warren Clarke
Party City - Barry Hite
Rock + Roll (Anthology) - Moutaz Jad
Pleasant Grove - Zack R. Smith & Andrew Miller
Life On My Knees - Robin Russin
Kill'em Twice - Eduardo Fierro
WeHo - Cody Wacura
Girls with History - Susannah Stengel & Hannah Pearson
Nudeless - Scott Fenton
Lie or Die - Jennifer Blakney & John Weil
The Band - Chris Talbott
The Darkest Hour Gothic Emporium- Leanne Mangan
The True Story of the S.S. Rex - Paula Dixon
The Lot - Jamie Granato & Derek Larson
Waters for Thirsty Ground - Mike Meier
Middle Age: "Village Idiot" - Myles Hewette
The Morning Glory of Saint Winwaloe - VC Lennox
In Other News - Lewis Sarmed Alsamari
Expats - Dorian Frankel
There's An Alien In My Bathtub - Randall (RW) Hahn
Managing Misses - Ben Criswell
The Academy for Early Education - Miles Woods
Thieves - Anthony Brenneman
Real Men - James Holloway
Enough - Sam Keller
Crawdaddies - Andrew Zeoli & Christian Wagner
(UN)Claimed - Carolyn Ratteray
Loft In Space - Paul Lane
Dang Dina - Christina Shaver
First Runner Up - Christine Pfeiffer Stocke & Dan Stocke
Clowns in the Kitchen - Andrew Amani
That Damn Sinbad-Genie Movie - Joe Schlegel
Bummer - Autumn Withers & Ryann Ferguson
24hr Dontus - Danny Shoshan
Commando Chris - Jake Steward
Benny Bouges - Dylan Crittenden
Gub - Gary Smith & Pat Himes
Snowflake - Wilandrea Blair
The Old Gods Club - Tracy Schumer
Tropical Depression - Tom Bruno & Chris Reina
Dead Man's Cove - Mary Kate Allen
The Further Adventures of Jimmy Lynch - Robert Rossetti
As Burns This Saint - Jake Baird
Space Junk - Christopher Mancuso & Jason Porcino
Good Luck, Mr. Gorsky - Dave Konig
Up The Rio - Jaime Osnato-Rosario
A Growing Concern - Richard Curtis
Tinsel Falls - Samuel Holladay
Struggling in Boston - Christopher Walker
Baited - Daniel Fishbayn
Caribbean Cruise Vacation - Jonathon Douglas
Joker & The Thief - Mark Turner
Hal, The Spud King of Japan - John Thibault
Token Idiots - Matthew Lutz
Sarah Startup - Gregg Greenberg
The Return of The Fabulous 7 - Judy Holm
Judy The Executioner - Jason Kemp & Chris Thoman
Horny Bikini Beach Family - Emily Clouse
Get Schlossed - Stewart Fergus
Cinds & Millia - Billie Bates
Get Educated - Magenta Rose Brown
Shirtwaisted - Stacey Garratt
That's A Good Girl - Steven Demmler
Brook Farm - Alexander Wake
A Short Drop and A Sudden Stop - Margaret Dane
Floor It - Abby Cohen
Toy Box - Steve Holinsworth
Under The Influence - Alyssa Biller
Criminals - Alexander Markaryan
The Rash - Tony James Moore
School Nights - John Killoran
Site 106 - Callum Campbell & Benjamin Green
Blue Comedy - Vincent Accettola
Fire On Holy Mountain - Daniel Grove
I Was Just Thinking - Dontae Muse
LMAO the Movie - Unnamed
Cat's Outta the Bag - Steffi Hill
Hot Toddy - Scott Cox
Perfect Harmony - Will Gong
Coach Mom - Nicole Myrick
The Lucid Dream: An Indy Movie - Lauren Kleeman
A Mid-Summer Mess - Zach Shinske
Bankers - Sparky Truman
Bommerangst - George Johnson
Mermaids of Media, Pennsylvania - Carol Sabik-Jaffe
Multitudes - Michael Boyle
Living in the Moments - Stephen Beyer
In Search of Hysterical Jesus - David Lambertson
A Bloody Affair - Scott Jeschke
Super Turbo Overdrive - Peter Hsieh