Comedy Screenplay Awards
Season 7 Results:

Overall Winner - Season 7
*Thanks once again to all of the hard-working writers who entered, and congratulations to our Season 7 Quarter-Finalists, Semi-Finalists, Finalists and Winner!​
We once again had a large number of entries this
season, boiling that group down to the list you see on this page was no easy task. We're very grateful to have received so many wonderful projects, keep on writing everyone, and stay well!
Otherworld N.J. - Matthew McLachlan
I'm a Prisoner in an Alien Zoo - Adam Kaiser
Nothing's Sacred - Leslie Thomas
Federico Erotico - David Stovall
Dream Factory - Michael Sallee
Young Grandma - Annie MacKinnon
Hollywood Cannibals - Chad Wellinger
McScruff P.I. - Caleb Barge
Reel Life - Jeremy Span
Time Hustlers - Andrew Hopps
Chivalry - James Yantko
Standby - Patrick Tierney
Coming Up Short - Ryan Evans
Road to Machu Picchu - Stewart Fergus
Miss Demeanor - Ruby Mainieri
Who Let the Wallflowers Out? - Virginia Austin
Dire Transfers - Nate Suppaiah
Consummate Friends - Dale Hansen
The Queens of Green - Sally Younger
Blow, Honey, Blow - Tova Katz
Vegan-tarian - Brian Cohen
The Substitutes - Stephen Krespel
Merry Karishmas - Jasmine Aziz
Petty Charlotte - Halima Lucas
Butch Better Have My Book - Christopher Mapp
Back Roots - Delaina M. Waldron
The North Pole - David Kushner
Last Of The Cowboys - Brent Minderler
Squire - Colin MacLeod
FUCK SQUAD - Zenas Cao
Zealots - Joshua Katz
Blackwyle - Sam Callahan
Cracked Aces - JEFF ZAMPINO
Punk Bitch - Taylor Berger
Best Life Ever - Tina Gandhi
Honey Child - June Escalante
Cult Town - Katie Crone
Every Little Thing I Wished I Said To You - Jenny Taylor-Whitehorn
Centerfold Mom - Kevin Campbell
This Can't Be It - Sarah Stunt
The Consolation - Lachlan Marks
Marriage is a Joke - Lauren Schwein
Jesters - Jamie Ward
Time Tourists - Josh Miller
The Slashelorette - Anthony Zonfrelli
Greinke - Joshua Duggan
HAUNTED HEART - Mike Bencivenga
Members Only - Graham Nelson
Midnight Cinema - Jon Davis
Rebooted - Jamaal Pittman
Matthew The Angry Elf - David Gray
Sluts - Lela Cermin
Influencza - Dave Horner
The Salvation of Russell - James Chesky
THE HOTEL PAMYRA - John Montgomery
Errant Good - Matthew Lucas
Gassing - Michael Kellman
Birth Mother Of The Bride - Patrick McKenna
POWER COUPLE - Peter Andrews
Mildred's Cherokee - Eric Patton
Ipswich Fish - Jan Soolman
Shrink Retreat - Josh Price
Senior Living - Kaitlin Larson
Monday Night Meyhu - Hamilton Barrett
The Summer of Jeff - Ross Ostroff
Gods - Vincent Stoia
Atlantis Attacks - Hayden Black
Summerville - Alan Fraser
The Porn Czar - Michael Elliott
The Righteous Knight - Dale Sweeney
Dad Fight - Davjaun Beamon
Spacebar - Liam Allen-McGoran
Anthroposcene - Jordan Gibler
Outbox - Ryan Preston
Rooted - Hadley Houck
Ready to Mingle - Pilot - Olivia Belluck
Bitter - Jesse Hughes
The Heckler - Andrew Hopps
Ethel & Sylvia - Phoebe Zimmerer
Plate - Tamika Guishard
Assisted Living - Charlie Griffin
FÜKALATA - Debra Mooradian
Leatherballs - Thomas Pickard
The Illuminated People - Edel Dmyto Oksamyt
And Still Champion - Jackie Letkowski
An Unlikely Trio - John Walberg
Off Task - Allie Scully
Adult Publishing for Middle-School Girls - Stacy Coffey
Dumbing Down - Christi Carter
The Rules - Cindy Circo Zahora
Dusty Balls - Gina Celeste Torino
The Dog Ate My Lesson Plan - Kayne Gorney
The Practice Marriage - Stewart Fergus
The Delivery Drivers: Year One - Omar Mendoza
Small Town Boy - Michael Buonocore
BS - James Murphy
Fag Hags - Simon Corfield
N'Ever Ever After - Morgan Ross
High Court - John Volquez
Jett's Magical Christmas Ride - Jane Wild
Better - Traynor Donohue
Not Super Legal - Carrie Fishbane
Eating Out - Andy Henry
Two Steps Back - Rory Torres
Anise Goes Adrift! - Meghan Kransberger
What Happened At Don's? - Marcello Rice
Your Friend Might Be An Alien - Scott Clements
The Jesus Freaks - Thomas Schemkes
Operation Rehab - Mark & Anna Casadei
Effectively Functional - Charlie Esser
TV Town: The Gang Gets Welcome kits - David Leskin
Pain(t)ball - Dougie Jones
Trapped - Tova Swartz
Grunts - Mike Whitfield
Astray - Colin Schaefer
Das Painting - Manny Kargov
BEFORE 420 - Jeffrey Ching
Carl From Human Resources - Daris Scott
Minor Sins - Matt Cochran
City Of Rats - Gavin McClenaghan
HANK - alec whittle
Das Barge - Shaun Lowthian
The Pitch - Joshua Wolk
Six Months to Live! - Steve Kronovet
HYSTERICALLY ACCURATE: "Fleur's Final Act" - Melinda Layden
Good Humor - Erik Fetler
Free Advice - Christopher Mapp
What Money Can't Buy - Jesse Prevost
The Religious Business - Ryan Parkinson
Heartless Romantic - Keegan Duncan
Powder House - Gibran Mendez
Tokyo to Buffalo - Corey Taft
A Day for Lila - Maram Elnagheeb
Atrocious Monstrosities - Rodrigo Arias
ë°• (Gourd) - Marcus Lux
Thunderstruck - Todd Biggerstaff
Good Girl/Bad Girl by Kylin Hunter - Kylin Hunter
The Announcer - Jacob Chattman
Just a Hitch - Kate Powis
Just Divorced, or how to rob the Robber - Benn Flore
Little League - Manuel Victoria
On-Air - Mitchell Brown
Lucky Duck - Monique Patterson
Lifers - Chris Osterndorf
Rightly So - Mathew Kachur
BIRD BRAIN - Barbara Albers Jackson
Boardwalk Psychics - Mary von Aue
We're In a Cult Drinking the Kool-Aid - Greg Gleason
No Mirrors - Brian Lustig
Trouble for Hire - Matt Sylvester
Between Dads - Ellen Ratner
Monkey Bars - Christopher Ambrosio
Last Call - Anthony Hyatt
Hitman's Accountant - Tim Vanvilla
Zero Dork Thirty (Pilot) - Daniel Plagens
The Weremoose - Joey Goldstein
Serial Drive - Charles Bartley
Sides - Nick Bloxsom-Carter
Prickers - Kevin Dobbs
As Burns This Saint - Jake Baird
Our Messiah, Mike - Wayne Wiggins
Selling Out - George Barnett
The Umbrella Guy - Adam Westervelt
GIF Corp - Ryan Schorman
The Pillow - Nicholas Keresztury
The Useless - Michael Charron
Party 9000 - Owen Ladd
Tiffany's Funeral - Amanda Alvich
Sequoia Blue - Josiah Signor
THE LAST STUNT - Elizabeth Weigandt
Two Left Feet - Yric Howard
Match Point Mafia - Michelle Blair Wilker
ICE CREAMATION - Julia Williams
Zenny's Picasso - Rev. Kenny Kozlowski
Elsie - Ricki Holmes
Mercy Dearest - Joseph Guerrieri
TAKEDOWN - Rae Binstock
Chasing Impala - Dylan Volman
Single-Sided - Aaron Roberts
Backwash - Katie Walenta
Fab Abs - Matthew Lowe
SPITE STORE - Johnny Ashenafi
PUNK MOMS - Kate Rappoport
Boca University - Jennifer Kramer
Birth of the Internet - Robert A Pinkus
Topsiders - RC Atchisson
Out of Left Field - Zachary Stein
Miss Mahoney's Class - Alan Johnson
FIRST LADY - Jason June
Send Me On My Way - Peter Darchuk
Merry Broadcast - Dan Fiorella
Stranded in Cairo - Michael McAllister
Breakdown - Jonathan Williams
The Boys' Club - John Madormo
A Deutsch Tale - Brendan Fitzsimmons
LA 716 - Nick Williams
MR. DIY - Michael Johnston
Burying Harry - Joni German
How To Train A Man - Jeffrey Chase
Senior Ditch Day - Matthew Nicholson
The Joke's On You - Dan Olds
50's Are Wild - Steffany Sommers
SPRING CHICKENS - Christopher Isenegger
One of the Guys - Shannon Davies
Developing Nando - Nando Rodriguez
Under the Sea-World - Lily Emalfarb
Life Is Not Always Easy - James M. Denton
One, One Night - Ben Moody
Perfect Wrecks - Mara Kanyon
Unlove Conquers All - Dane McCauley
Divine Comedy - Harrison Gale
Medicaid Fraud Strike Force - Barney Doyle
No Need for Causes - Graham Osborne
The Call Center - Dave Latorture
What's Wrong With Buddy? - Gregory Proiette
Love Less Likely - David Liban
The James Van Der Beek Murders - Vaios Papastergiou
HOSTAGE - Rick Dunning
"Cough" - Terry Abrahamson
Bookie - Max Radbill
What the Actual - Shona Tuckman
LOSERVILLE - John Montgomery
Miserable Women - Marnie Olson
Guessing - Sharon Spell
FUN FACT - Quinn Katherman
The Last Chance - Chris Rich
Exotic Animals - Mark Higgins
Rottenburgerfield - Myles Hewette
The Twelve - Danny Weir
Pardon The Interruption - Olivia Lee
Betty Zane - Matthew Webster
The Wrong End Of The Wand - Anne-Marie Caluwaert
Scapegoat! - Nan Schmid
Out of Water - Madi Stine
Falling for You - Evie Abat
Yardwork - Ned Richards
Family Academy - Zach Sharma
Snake.feature - Marilynn Loveless
MR. HIT - Chase Libbey
I Worked With Heath Ledger Once - Jarred Keane
The Ox and the Bull: A Darts Saga - IJ Schecter
Danger: May cause Time Travel - Malek Haneen
Camp Kumbaya - Finnialla Wright
Take the Cake - Julie Chernesky
How To Send Nudes (Without Having a Panic Atack) - Sarah Glassman
Balcony - Elika Rezaee
Fanfic - Kelly Anelons
Fuckboys - Zakarius Q Young-Hodges
Better Off Alone - Cameron Dyson
DROP DEAD - Frankie Campisano
Office Politiks - Louie Pradt
Diss Hit Crazy - Brandon Morganstein
Space Party - Emilie Wilde
The Greens - Ned Dougherty
Elvis Pandemic - Robert Bettes
Dad Tokes - Anthony Rea III
American Fallout - Harry Kakatsakis
The Terry Stinger Show - Carlos Perez
Adventures in Serial Killing - John Munn
The Real Prom Queens of Westfield High - Laurie Ann Crompton
Venture Rent-A-Car - Josh Brekhus
InstaGraham - Harry Borland
Mock Patients - Kate Segal
Chris of Death - Ben Pavitt
The Acquisition - Sarah Berg
Big Sky Country - Andrea Berting
Full Moon Over the New "D" Bar - Daniel Bridges
Loglines & Pancakes - Ethan Michael Carter
HELENA, FOREVER! A New York Dramedy - Zelda Watkins
Body Cast - Aaron Sutch
Michael Flatley 4EvR - Marta Reeder
SAVING LOVE - Tammy Klembith
SISTERICAL - Simon Firth
Hurricane Season - Kim Hornsby
Dead Melody - Gabe Berry
Othello: The Musical - Sheen Faulconer
Unsung Heroes - Johnny Della Luna
Grant's Adventure in Sillyside - Jacob McAuliffe
F*CK CANCER - Mary Ashley Burton
EXPOSURE - Unnamed
Christmastime in Christmastown - ILENE FISCHER
Blue Chip Red - Jason White
Pray The Gay Away - Michael Zakar
Mama's Day Off - Mark Labella
Mad Monk - Eric Weiss
The Agents - Richard Eckert
Truth Smackers - Tate Panovich
Local Zero - J. Phillip Wilkins
Hot Lemonade - Dustin Jacobs
Chipmunk Charlie - Joe Eatherton
Apparatchik - Morgane Ciot
Dog Park - Suzan Battah
Holy Hell - Brandi Powell
B*tchslap - Victoria Stafford
Customers Only - Tarra Morton
The Immortal Game - Phillip Morina
How to Survive the End of the World - Kristen Scatton
"LEGALESE" - Lindsay Glazer
Gas - Dalia Gulca
IV League - Kristian Day
Potluck - C. Nicole Ellington
"Scratch Off" - Gary Giudice
Harold, Electra and our Lord, David Attenborough - Kirsty Zane
Old Patrol - Kevin Jordan
T&T POWER - Arthur Glenn
Pokerface - Justin Samuels
Brothers In Law - Steve O'Brien
Safe Space - Ella Schaefer
The Ballad of Salvatore Salustio - Laura Spaeth
The Bridal Party - Ben Mansbridge
It Hurts When I Land - Gilles Stricher
Gen Z Therapist - Tony Augusty
Home for the Challah Days - Laurel Gans
Vilify - Caleb Dillon
Big Small Claims - Eduardo Dami
Rewrites - Chad Hylton
Twig - Daniel Heidorn
Needs Repair - Andrea Zile Bish
Adolescents - Joel Michalak
The Yentas: Episode One “ChitChat & Tchotchkes” - Jenna Isabella
Max! - Scott Boxenbaum
Jody - Corey Shields
Pep-Ronies - James Shanklin
Yellow Cabin - Kent Perlmutter
REMEMBERING THE DAVID - Shirley Filardi Amitrano
Hay Fever - Alejandra Gracia
Family Business - Mia Volta
The Good Looking Society - Joe Packer
Chicken - August Gladstone
One of One - Lucas Abreu
Love on the Vegas Strip - Danielle Soto
Suddenly Closer - Candice Clark
Happily Ever After - Pilot - Toothache - Lennon Marie Byrd
Red Handed - Stefan Perez
Illinois Smith - Meghan Sinclair
Lake of Dead Empires - Patrick Hale
Stuck-Up Scumbags of West Middle: Illustrated - Luke Johnson
MäkOver - Tori Bond
A Nobel Failure - Maria Glassner
A wonderful life, or is it? - tony shyu
Dollface Assassins - Robin Sterling
Homestead - Gesley Alexis
The Leader - Amy Thyberg
First Last Date - Joy Mamey
The Great Resignation - Noel Frankel
Cold Feat - Trent Tackbary
ROADTRIPPERS - Rebecca de Fargues
Dawn of the Woman - Martyn Eaden
The Prayer Warrior - Camika Spencer
Noobs - Kevin Dembinsky
The Hoopz of Albany - James Moore
Cheekbones - DeAntre Henderson
Geezer Gals - Beth Robbins
Teddybär - Tommy Tang
Vision in Red Sauce - Liz Garcia
The Sincinnati Bloodsucker - Casey Hagaman
Welcome to Mount Comfort - Alex Williams
Rebbe Rabbe - Frank Spiro
Will 'n Shakespeare - Tim Lane
How Not To Date Your Husband - Sandra Darnell
GHOSTING - Daniel Vignolo
Moose on the Loose - Roi Costa
Chat - Mikey Jackson
Thou Shalt Covet - Liz Wiest
Sam The Barber - Michael Corcione
Traps - Paul Wootton
SHOW YOUR WORK - Andre Thierry
Everything Is Fine - Mike Devore
Reverse Course - Gregory Cohen
ARCE Org - Kelly McInerney
Slash! - Brad Lewandowski
A Couple of Dicks - Becca C. Smith
A Putrid Carnival of Clumsy Mammals - Mitch Finn
Dirty Waters - Grant Gruber
Hal, The Spud King of Japan - John Thibault
My Friend, Pegasus Murphy - LeeAnne Lowry
Cross the Line - Miles R.
SOLDIER #43.970 - Vinicius de Medeiros
The Case of the Suspicious Biscuit - Mark Walsh
Bake Sale - Zach Jansen
The Oscared'24 - Slava Babenkov
The Cemetery Plots - Donahue Silvis
MAKING a SCI FI MOVIE - Phillip Tucker
Punk's Not Dead - Liam Gillies
Octopolis - Sharna Hackett
Brooklyn, Summer, 1994 - Sean Kelly
Cruising Along - Erika Simonian
Purim Shpielers - Tallulah Bark-Huss
Copycats - Matt Manser
Bad Day - Glenna Pansey (Goodman)
OMG, Same - Terence Brody
Night Soil Men - caitlin amans
The Friendship - Hunter Gardner
Phonication - Jared Fembleaux
Ghost Town, NM - Lynn Elliott
I Need to Get Out of Here - Adam Riegler
THAR SHE BLOWS! - Lasta Drachkovitch
WORK - Katie Fahey
Presto Change-O - Michael Tannenbaum
Ladies' Man - Praxis Fernandez
Ratatosk - David Graham-Caso
Christmas Cuff - Sumona Roy
Beaten Senseless - Kai Martin
Happy Medium - Terri Ciccone
Family Business - Callum Henderson
The World Class City - Mark Krebs
Dispatch - Rich Gallagher
Lemons - Tishon Pugh
Single Person - Matt Foss
Tammy's Replacement - Paul Rowe
Toby Goes to UniFURsity - G. Robert Daily
Be Friendly - Brendan Hennessy
Mutuals - Sam Rosenberg
Suicide Door - Matthew Brendal
The Girl From Ipanema - Harry Ford
SECOND CHANCES - Ashley & Jason Fraley
Organ Donor - Rustin Jarrell
Adam and Me - Michael Ede
The Garfield Guy - Jeff Longsworth
Drinking on the Job - Jamaul Phillips
"Difficult" Conversations - Shannon Phipps
Dial It Back - Erin Elizabeth Keefer
The Imbalance - Naomi Lisner
"Blue Dream" - Mark Mc Quown
The Dutchman - Robert Morgan Callahan
Three Tonys - Dale Keith Pitman
Poppycock - Julian Martin
The Heist on Rhapsody Street - Steve Garry
OFF COLOR - Tapan Sharma
I'm So Done: One Tough Cookie - Chuck Alley, Rachael Berman
Space Junk - Christopher Mancuso, Jason Porcino
Finding Bradley Cooper - Robert J Morgalo
Apeshit - Barry Staff
Coptors Script - Kurt Weitzmann, Steve Rosenfield
A Very Christmassy Hallmark Holiday Christmas - Mark Schiponi
Blue Honey - SherLann Dearri Moore
The River Candidate - Philip Ross Davey
Life Support - Noah Edelson
For Her Own Good - Thomas Marrier
2nd Date - Jaik Andino
FARM CLUB - Joe Leone
Anything Can Happen in the Woods - Scott E Morse
Cesar and Max - Susan Klos
MTL Baths - Clifford Zimowski
Rasta Ho-Tep: Rise of the Mummies - Peter Fraser
Grim Gets A Life - Peter Fraser
Barflies - Sean Fitzpatrick
WordLotto - Thomas A Lopilato
The Long Con - Jack B Birmingham
THOSE O'MALLEY WOMEN - Elizabeth Stevens, James Bruner
THE GRAY LIST - Arden Kass, Mark Gallini
Love is a Bloody Mess - Brian McGrath
Own Goal - Jamie-Lee Curley
BRAIN DEAD - Tom Jenkins
Capital Venture - Peter Macaluso
Gay Water - Finn Wagstaff
Neutral Mobility - Sean Doyle
Happy Funeral - dustin knoop
Cuffing Season - Jon Bershad
You Don't Know Jack - Andrea Ashton
Unicorn - Sean Slater
Screamplay - Mark Wesley
Marina - Andrew Nixon
Wet Fish - Toby McShane
The Smallest Ways - James Greenall
Emotional Support Animal - Suzie Bohannon
A Single Lady’s Guide to Finding the Perfect Baby Daddy - Brit Cowan
Mermaid Springs - Sarah & Laura Denton
Hail Larry - Evan Frondorf
Typhoid Gary - Julio DeSanctis
Speak English - Kieran Angelini
Marla's Rebirth - Leila Murton Poole
Gay For Jesus - Jason Laurits
Visionary - Olivia Mayberry
The Dirty Bird - Taylor McTague
Job Interrogation - Max Raimi
Events at Hemlock Manor - Katie North
Don't Vote for Me - Michael Bradley Cohen
Goal-Oriented - Gustavo Melo
Grandmas 'N Gays - Michael Buonocore
Missouri Loves Company - Finn Kobler
HELP ME HIDE A BODY - David Brittles
PLAY THE FOOL - Mark Gunnion
One Hit Wonderland - Jack Caswell
Lizard Uncle - John DiStefano
On the Line - Matt Hyams
A Christmas Survival Guide For The Modern Vampire - Craig Berger
Cecil's Woods - CJ Hatch
Forever Love - Sean Reidy
CREW - Christine Worland
All Bi Myself - Adam Patla
Doom Hammer - Tim Groenendyk
Minimum Rage - Brandon Burkhart
The Virgin Knot - Ron Falzone
Mary Mary Quite Contrary - Kevin Brunner
By The Time I Got To Woodstock - Jeffrey Massie
Tandoori Apocalypse - BARRY DUFFIELD
The Last Lost Boy - Mike Cochnar
Sex, Drugs & Crow's Feet - Joanne Rose
Dragon's Den - Jon Comulada
Crisis - Martyn Eaden
After School Special - Matthew Hoch
Zombie Cop - Joel Karlinsky
Atomic Nights. - Mario Mabe, Ryan Williams
Tabula Rasa. - Jeffrey Massie
A Cozy Little Town - Edward Hicklin
A Chapel of Dreams - Javier Johnston-Márquez
Band Name - Brian Flaccus, Chadwick Hopson
A Carol - Rebecca Leigh