Inroads Screenwriting Fellowship
Season 5 Results:

Overall Winner (Fellow) - Season 5
*Thanks once again to all of the hard-working writers who entered,
and congratulations to our Season 5 Quarter-Finalists,
Semi-Finalists, Finalists and Winner!
We once again had a record number of entries this season, boiling that group down to the list you see on this page was no easy task. So many wonderful projects this season, keep on writing everyone, and stay well!
Blood and Dreams "Complicit" - Suzanne Griffin
American Awesome - Mike Gerbino
The Cricket. - Gabe Berry
Who Was Cary Grant. - Jon Davis
Plasmadrome. - Ken Viteri-Lynn & Phoebe Zimmerer
Make Believe. - Brit Cowan
Fits the Crime. - Steve Blame
Dark Matter. - Olga Holtz
Blackland Country - Josh Taylor
The Understudy. - Jenna St John
Speak of the Wolf - Sender Tarlovsky
Tarnished - Matthew Walker
The Repatriots - Andrea Lawson
Revel - Danielle Evans
To Kill A Pope - Gianmarco Giacomelli
Hell Off Earth - Dave Pirinelli
Transcendent Shadows - Stephanie Brandolini
Worlds Apart - Thomas Gaunt
PROXY L-2 - Heather Ostrove
The Chosen Ones - Paul Sheridan
Terror and Virtue - Ernest Pysher
Anathema: Pilotus - Bob Singleton
Under The Moon - Ari Silver
Beckwitch - Liz Prugh
Shrink Retreat - Josh Price & Sarah Mack
The Soldier and the Spy - Mike Garcia
The Sitch - Maxson Davis
Legends - Danny Alex
Save The Day - Jack Hempling
Summoned - Tammy Klembith
Have Mercy - Jason Ruscio
Seldon Seen - Peter R Feuchtwanger
Dream Factory - Michael Sallee
Lifelink - Johnny Gilligan
The Summer Everything Went - Sam Macneil
Basilica - Seamus Heffernan
The Neverlands: Hangman's Tree - Jonathan Scott Parker
Crisis - Martyn Eaden
Kill Cromwell - Stuart Benson
Douglass - Matthew Garzilli
The horned God - Alessandro Guarino
Redneck Army - Whitni Resides
Mafia Beach Club - Amanda Miller
Love, Cocoa - Jordan Trippeer
Brokered Heart - Debi Yazbeck
Main Drag - Ryan Thorsen
Black Jack at the Moulin Rouge - David Goldyn
The Presley Brothers - Anthony Stampalia
American Way - Jake Thomas
Flesh - Ryan Wuestewald
Perfect - J. Miller
Family Business - Mia Volta
Repair The Carrows - Johnny Cruz
Lambeau: The Man Who Made the NFL - Anthony Wood
Crabs In A Mother F*cking Bucket - Kari Mote
Cockpit - Carsen Smith
Out of the Blue - Laura Harbin
Gold Diggers - Alex MacDonald
Rosebud - Kayla Hardy
The Last Good Soraya - TJ Berry
Wonderland Cave - Krista Bradley
Uncle Wuzzy - Isaac Smith
Kira - Alex Schloemer
Dahlia - Kyle Berlin
Hearsay - Gannon Kenney
The Ringmaster - Kyle Rizor
@MurderHouse - James Mulcahy
The Three of us - Janna Jilnina
Wire Hangers - Jon Davis
Alphabet City - Pilot Episode - Kristen McNaule
Alone - Kirk Weddell
Taro: Legend of Japan - Blue Spruell
Saint Catherine's Boys - John Ravitz
Skin in the Game - Kofi Oliver
Ella & Marilyn - Jon Davis
Cadenza - Mark Nahuysen
Kingmaker - Victor Ridaura
Temporal - Xander Bernstein & Dunja Vitolic
Children of Yellow - Madeline Jade (MJ) Prins
Chef Detective - Becka Mungle
All that Glitters - Susan Marks
Cloudkill - Brent Hartinger
Dawn of the Phoenix - Gabriel Gonzalez
Great America - HF Crum
Joe - Fred Salmon
Flex - Micah Goldman
The Golem of Cotopaxi - Arnon Shorr
Imperium - Andrew Beguin
Time Hustlers - Andrew Hopps
The Image Makers - Marina Shron
Emotional Support - Veronica Reyes-How
Dead Shall Dance - Sophia Khan
Freakquency - Jonathan Dittman
It's the End of the World - Dillon VanOort
American Fallout - Harry Kakatsakis
Buckethead - Lee Redmond
The Plutocrats - Alison Lani
With Love Like Lava - Khris Burton
Vauxhall - Amanda Nettboy
Saints and Sinners - Christopher Willis
House of David - Melissa Alfredson
Sun Woman, Moon Man - Lyndal Simpson
Rock Bottom - Matthew Legarreta
Growing up Skarsgard - Jaime Kawamoto
Meet the Bickers - Alexandra Cohler
The Spirit Photographer - Spencer McCall
Kandlestick Men - Frank Monteleone
Seraphim's Miracle - JB Storey
Boxes - Paul Rowe
Modern Man - Christopher Vallario
The Hammer - Jason Hunter
A Walk in the Field - Dillon Dowell
Stay Positive - Larry Collins
Centurions - Sally Stubbs
Chó - Jon Shaivitz
The Corruption - Alyssa Stevens
Incarnations - Albert M. Chan
Perdition - Leon Masters
Chasing the Dark - Mike Bencivenga
The Folklore Files - Warren Lane
Junkyard - Dan Riesser
Has Been - Joshua Dillon
Five With A Bullet - Christopher Isenegger
Bad Jew - Adi Blotman
Systemmancer - Logan Grimes
Red Lake - Richard O'Brien
Chasing Wolf - Casey Costello
Anansi and the Chest of Stories - Ayinde Ricco
Cascadia - Tim Millette
Peg - Lilia Doytchinova
Bluetown - Ben Pavitt
The Farrell Girl - Lyndal Simpson
The Devil and Dick Gregory - Sean Slater
Anawim - Shia Labeouf
Spotless - Diogo Beltran
El Vals (The Waltz) - Alycya Magana
Divr - Rae Binstock
The Back Up - Ryan Lewis Merritt
Guardian - Jess Gupta
Tales from the Necronomicon - Luca Violante & Annarosa Schiavone
English - Rishan Dhamija
Technicolor Noir - Madison Sean Flannery
The Other Side - Nonie Shiverick
Hum - Tracy Schumer
Ungodly - Stashia Robbins
Pigeoni's Pizza - Michael Tannenbaum
Mourning Glory - Katie Frorer
No Rest for the Wicked - Alison Weaverdyck
Gone Hollywood - Sara Hallowell
I Would Kill For That - Matthew Hoch
Pantheon - Ray Goldberg
Hole - Joey Capuana
The Private Sector - Benjamin King
Horrible Corpses - Mary Sette
Bamboo Wife: 'he Riddle - Heather P. Shreve
MTL Baths - Clifford Zimowski
Transformed - Shannon TL Kearns
The New West - Robin U. Russin, Greg Klein
The Magic Season - Nicholas Sennott
Dragonland - Jason Jacobson, Michelle Trantina
Breakpoint - George Peeples
The Unknown Soldiers - Lawrence Whitener