Sci-Fi/Fantasy Competition
Season 1 Results:
*Thanks once again to all who entered,
and congratulations to our
Season 1 Quarterfinalists,
Semifinalists, Finalists and Winner!
Dark Arrival - John Berry, Ken Jones
The Civil Servant - Jennifer Weber
Dad - Matt Lewis
Jack'd - Mike Ede
The Warden - Korea Black, Gianna Rose
WorthIt - Annika Connor
Time, Space, And The Poet - John Turner
Emma's Fury - Steven Nicholes Karels
A Musing Story - Wendy Bustamante
Splashdown - Don Stroud
We Survive - Mark Pogodzinski
Pervert - Luis Zaldivar
Pod Fifteen - Philip Harris
I Think My Parents Are Trying To Kill Me - Scott Liapis
Terra Carcerem - Emma Oliver
Tranquility - Harry Kleinman
Thieves Immortal - John Shea
Stargazer - Dana Hawthorne
Voyager - Kevin J. Howard
Templin Highway - William Prosser
Jules' Verne's Mysterious Island - James Blass
The Orb - Byron Anderson
Icarus - Matthew Joseph Leon
The Skin Rippers - Daniel William Pero
The Worst Thing You've ever Done - Johnny Galvin 3
Shadow Realm - Reenita Malhotra Hora
The Agreement - Jared Stuart
Against Titan - Matthew Cesario
Predator Origins: She-Predator - Michael John Chase
She Dreams of Neon - Michael Graham
Man Vs. Machine: Crypto Bot's Trial -- Michael John Volpe
Samaritan Takes Cormorant - Nathan D. Ludwig
The Guillotine - Stuart Leask
Planet Talk - Stuart Leask, Steve Deery
E2 Project Mayflower - Kenneth Eason
Another Will Come - Kevin J. Howard
Sex in Space - Martin Kenneth Zitter
The Veritas - Bryan Harlow
District 10 - Stuart John Leask, Steve Deery
Hunting Trip - William J Blythe
Going Home - Marilynn Loveless, Sara Dinga, Sherry Wachter, Patrick Dunphy
The Solar Knights - Sylvester Fryson Jr
Solarcadia - James Alva
The Human Experience - Daniel Pico
The Cheating Vaccine - Duncan B. Putney
Solipsism - Duncan B Putney
mAId - Tapan Sharma
Earthshine - Stuart Leask
Daniel Mann - Andrew Goth
Wandering Son - Larry Henrikson
Preacher's Daughter: Giant Slayer - Gregory Bonds
re-life - Jacky Watson
Moonscope - David Hunter Fein
Deathless - M Rowan Meyer
More Remote than Bavaria - J. Woodard
Ascension - Leanne Watson
Daisy Dips - David Hunter Fein
Parousia - Todd Sorrell
Distant Call - Todd G. Sorrell
g-Men - Walter F Bauer
Crossing Xavier SciFi drama series - Bear Kosik
Vicarious - John Shea
The Invasion of Tim - Dominic Abeyta
Perfect World - Emil Faithe
Prophecy of Thol - Dawn Greenfield Ireland
Halfway Heroes - David Hurley, Thom Ulmer
Embervale - Tibor Kovac
Brainville - Mark Wasserman
Residue - David Hunter Fein
Dead Cargo - Theodore Carl Soderberg
Meteor - Line Rainville, Franco Pirrone
Magicians Anonymous - Larry Swanson
The Divine Dalí - Craig Misoyianis
Tempor Tempor - R. Stephenson Price
Wander - Hank Isaac
Ergosphere - Martin McLoughlin
Anthrax Island - Scott Mackall Gilman
Extinction - James C Peters
Majority Rules - E. Amato
Destiny's Vessel - Suzanne Lutas