Short Screenplay Awards
Season 8 Results:

Overall Winner - Season 8
*Thanks once again to all of the hard-working writers who entered, and congratulations to our Season 8 Quarter-Finalists, Semi-Finalists, Finalists and Winner!
We had a large number of entries this
season, boiling that group down to the list you see on this page was no easy task. We're very grateful to have received so many wonderful projects, keep on writing everyone, and stay well!
Cringe - Warren Lane
The Boy Without Words - Debby Huvaere
An Inconsequential Choice - Ricardo Bravo
Todd Knows - Michael Buonocore
The Doll - Lena Cigleris
El Vals (The Waltz) - Alycya Magaña
Aloha Pledge - Rob Dionne
The Attic - Wayne Johnson
Depravity - Ian Murillo
Transfiguro: A Tale of Anathema - Bob Singleton
Dead Reckoning - Francis John
I Am Number Ten - Fred Nolting
Universal - Alex Lyras
Malocchio - Alex Knell
The Three Monkeys King - Conner Reed
Un Hombre Sincero - Ann Valdés
I'm sorry I missed you - Ethan Rogers
Where We Go - Anthony Bluemmel
The Roswell Aliens - Antonio Solis
You've Got T-Mail - Paul Clarke
Sir-Yes-Sir - Micha Warchaizer Efron
Miss Victory - Brandon Hatten
The Cleaner Donal Sheehan
Pigskin - Susan Polk
Outlaw - Louis Adorno
Esther - Diana F. Bryden
Ocher - Chee Ho
Child(less) - Thea Gagliardi
Remorse - Einar Gunn
Faithless - Patrick Lazzara
There's Something in the Water - Julia M. Sauder
Ailliegory - David Fein
Dear Harley - Lee Whittaker
A More Perfect Union - Jonathan Weisbrod
Sorrow Bridge - Fergus Sweeney
I will be back - Carlos M Gonzalez
Holding the Bricks Short Screenplay - James Cage
What Liba Felt - Nik Perring
Freeborn - Shane Harbinson
BZRK - Chandler Clarke
Crum's Scam - John Connell
Big Brother - Richard Geiwitz
Sweet Sorrow Pie - Lexa Hayes
Masking - Joel McElvaney
Otherworld, NJ - Matthew McLachlan
Stuck in the Middle - Trey Clough
The Communion of Isaac Frankenstein - Lucas Hardwick
Last Resort - Marco Gabriel
Gloomy Sunday - Kevin Machate
Triceratops Summer - Michael Richter
The Ghostodians - Leila Murton Poole
Look at you - sarah polhaus
The Man In The Box - Brian Menz
Do Not Open - Brian Barnes
Nightmare Mine - Rodolfo Salas
A Real Doll - Kent Reason
Johnny Jump Up - Shiva Ramanathan
Them - Charlie S. Jensen
A One Time Thing - Justin Nosler
To Live Again a Butterfly - Glenn Forbes
Identidad Raza - Victor Ridaura
Father Figures - Robert Sartori
Depths - Drew Atchison
Fearless Zombie Killer - Michael B Snow
Yuka - Teresa Caffin Deen
12 Hours - Kelly Stanphill
Everything Is Perfect And I Have Nothing To Complain About - Mark L. Feinsod
Please and Thank You - Hal Kirkland
The Sketchbook of Guillermo del Toro - Garrett Hines
Anokhi - Rohini Jadhav
We are the Dead Girls - Kylie Boersma
Honey Drop - Alicia Norman
So Long, See You Tomorrow - Joseph X Casillas
Skate Carefully - Mike Gerbino
Dream Girl - Sophia Reinero
Press the Button - Rich Vecchione
Bunny Kensington and the Corporate Widows of New England - Sierra Millard
The Mysterious Happenings of The East Marsh - Dave Sorboro
Peak Water - John Boal
Mariposa - Angels of Valhalla - Nathan Downs
Bless - Drea Castro
Offspring - Hannah Silverman
Catharsis - Kayla Fyfe
Know the Enemy - Charles Tucker
Helmut the Loser - Richard O'Brien
Shrink - Theodore Keana Lewis Andrews
South for Winter - Jill Ferrari
F-You, I Hate You, I Love You - Justin Nicholas-Elam Ruff
The Downstairs Attic - Damien D. Bell
Rhubarb - Ashton Pacholski
Runner - Kent Faulcon
The Last D.J. - Glen M. Lynch
Coulrophobia Hurts - Rob Byrnes
Trepidation - Phil Piasecki
Wilderness - Eva Furlani
You're Dating A Lesbian - Davis Eleanor Mathis
St. George and the Dragon - Stuart Alan Creque
Cowlick - Kevin Hart
Mamá Lola - Valentina Hueck
13 Steps - Loren Davis
Matched - Cathy(Katherine) Cimato
Paper Monsters - Michael Clifton
Kissyfoot - Michael Clifton
Aisle 6 - Christopher Michael Mapp
Sins of the Father - Christopher Guerrero
Inflamed - Link York
Puquio - Samantha Dashiel
Darlin' - miranda allender
Silent Fury - Shane McCarthy
The Light At The End - Lynda Simmons
Act of God - AJ duFresne
Purna - a short film - Anjini Chaddha
Her Last Day - Joshua Belton
Betrayal at the Wedding - Pamela Green
Uptown Santos - Jonathan Ramirez
Consequences - Brande Clark
Meet Madoodle - B Maddox
Walk With Me - Nick Williams
The Last Fight - Liz Biscevic
The Inexistence of Eva Moore - Amanda Lowthian
feat. - JD McGuire
Banter - Mel Evans
the baptism - Rosemary Zibart
Two Americas - Jeff Lester
Broll - Christopher Sweeney
Toro - RW Jones
My Brother and My Dad - Jake Buczewski
Birthday Cake - Jesse Foy
The Elixir - Tristan Carrasco
Tell Everyone I'm Dead - Ally Lewis
Choice Coffee - Bridget Bell McMahon
THe Badge - Roz Sohnen
Home Guard - Alan McSheehy
The Three Moutardiers - Felicia Ansty
The Final Hour - James Bruns
Sparkle Moon - Diane Schmitz
Meteor of Man - alec whittle
Tilt - Callum Henderson
Down In New Orleans - Lauren Donzis
The Drive Up - Debra Henley
Three Manikins - Abass Abass
Ransom - Gwyn Gordon
Lotophage - Tom Phanes
Kids with Worries Worry-Solving All Stars! - Ann Marie Hannon
Tin Cup Short Film - Alexander Hooper
Practice Baby - Allison Flom
Sting of the 'Stang - Randy Graves
The Slaughter Creek Slasher of the Dead - John Goode
The Dual Life of David - Dalton Tulloch
Overtime - Pak Hin Phileas Cheung
Servility - Amanda Kowalski
Incident on a Highway - Donald Schwartz
Tempting Fate - Terry Podnar
Unicorn - Clio Hasegawa
Tattoo - Steven T. Smith
Every Day is Sunday - Kacy Boccumini
Just Take a Breath - Roberta M Roy
Hey, Moxie! - Jessica Kantor
Grief - Kelly Cochran-Yzquierdo
In With the Storm - Cara Marshall
Hark! A Recipe for Paprika Hendl - Amy Ruckman
Niño de Vidrio (Child of Glass) - Gerardo Maravilla
Welcome Home Boy - Nicolas Olivera
Four Minutes with Cecil Pierre - Will Clempner
The Rusty Nail - John Acquaviva
Wildcats - John Klauder
Poolside - Kate Austin-Raffan
Burro - Hannah Lerner
Patch Work - Priya Chaudhari
Teddy - Eddy Sanchez
Kill The Competition - Will Altemeier
Mister Wolf - MK McGehee
Birds of a Feather - Samantha Clay
A Better Place - Scott Carelli
The Last Artisans - Ben Cooke
Stand-In Santa - Stephen Roth
Seekers - Christopher Frost
Shiloh - David Schroeder
Rescue Blows - Cameron Moquin
Tender - Christian Plenty
Fantasy Time - Morgane Ciot
Reboot - Robert Rhyne
Flying Forward - Paul Locander
Veins - Tiffany White
Baby Wake Up - Tanya Shock
Death in the Garden - Everett Lee
Pick Me Girl - Shannon Agostini
Finders - Grey Kupiec
Forever Yours - Jonathan Maxwell Shander
Rods' Journey - Nilton S.
Feed the Brute - Corsica Wilson
Unstaged - Elizabeth Shew
Trolley Man - Simon Diamond
Occupational Hazards - Laura Medeiros
Tip Jar - Maryellen De Vivo
Chasing Lorelai - Robert de Geus, Patil Emanuelle
Korean Shooter - Jimmy Prosser
Edgar and the Undead - Montgomery Burt
Two Tigers - Enrico Green
Easter Bunny - Ron Dean Smith
Tumble Dry - Judy Klass
Bunny Rabbit - Ian Baaske
The Looming - Masha Ko
Daughters - Sharyon Anita Culberson
Snitcheroni Pizza - Gianfranco Cuoco
The Color of Paint - Megan Naylor, Dmetrius Conley-Williams
The Revver - Mike Hanson, Kelly Moothart
Solipsism - Duncan B Putney
Unhinged - Steph France
Once Upon a Time in Russia - Valerii Georg Zhmak
When the Rooster Cries - SherLann D. Moore
Cryptobot's Trial - Michael John Volpe
A Tempo - Lorelai Jo-hsuan Lin
She's Too Young - Larry E Coleman
Grave Expectations - Larry Michael Ziegelman, Jason Silberberg
Gone - W.S. Smith
Magnificence & Stone - Michael angel Johnson
The punished angel - Bogdan Nicolae Groza
Angel Hunter "Avenging Angel" - Tane McClure
Postage Due - Janna Jones
Existence is Futile - Steve Wyatt
Timebound - Danny Phillips
The Trouble With Bermuda -
Sara - Fabio Langella, Emiliano Felicissimo
Feat of Clay - Gabriel Paul Giacoppo
Cat's Cradle - Felicity Fair Thompson
Over The Counter - Emil Faithe
Kiss Me, Stay Close - Patricia Bruce
The Last Call - Phenice Arielle
To a Far More Lovely Girl - Jim Hollander
Retirment Lost - Shawn Collins
Who Are You, Nanu? - Anjini Taneja Azhar
Julie - Trinity Thompson
The Candy Lady - Monique Derouselle
With Open Eyes I Dream - David Mills
Refuge - Catherine Fridey
The Game Camera - Kristen Bush
Out of Time - Deanne Gittens
Time Hustlers - Andrew Hopps
Faith And Reason - Dawn Reavis
Em Upgraded - Jess Hendel
RAY OF HOPE - James Papa
Mute - Matthew McKinney
Captain Drunkard and the Enabler - Stan Evans
The Line - Tracy L Morris
Disco Power - Suhra Nahib
Lost Dogs - Christine Boyer
Death Interrupted - Elizabeth Miller
Be Careful What You Ask For - Joanne Rose
Doggone - Emelie Claxton
Russian Hill - Natalie Longwell
Singularity - Holly Holdsworth
Nova Hora - Francesco Capussela
The Reveal - Samip Raval
Unlimited Plans - Kathleen Caprario-Ulrich
Head in the Clouds - Casey Hagaman
Breaking is Fun - Kyle Rezzarday
Zorba the Freak - Michael Carrithers
Chosen - Michelle Farley
The Cut - Adam Langdon
Little Nibs - Eric Cotten
I See You - Faith Dismuke
Holy-Days - Laurel Gans
An Act of Kindness - Georgette Skolnick
Girl in Seoul - Missy Greenberg
Umbrella Man - Laura Garcia
Bing city - Theresa Clifford
Other - Paulina John
A Woman's Body - Tiffany Tenille
Bella Nova - Khadija Roane
How to be The Perfect Housewife - Irene Chen
The Scorsese Assignment - Hamidreza Rafatnejad
Pietra Fredda - Matthew Nicholson
White Feathers - Susie Schecter
Skunk - Toby McShane
Union - Noah McCay
The Ride - Alysha Haran
You've been Ghosted - Anna Ebell
Kingdom - Matt Curtsinger
The Blue Inside - Arya Singh